Antennes - HB9ACA

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Wersa tower 20m
Rotor Tail Twister T2X
Beam OptiBeam 9el OB9-5
Dipole IV 60m
Dipole MorGain 160 and 80m, home made
Dipole Kelemen 160, 80 and 40m
GP Bandes Warc 30, 17, 12m

Details of the antenna Morgain 160m / 80m.

Power Point without Balun to 16m from the ground. The end is 19m from the mast and 6m over the ground. The distance between the wires is 3cm. The wire are folded in three, on a 19m length of each side of the feed point, which represents a total length of 56m made.

Bird stop

General view


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